Tamil Nadu Global Investors Meet – Congrats on the great show
Congrats to the Government of Tamil Nadu and the entire organizing team for putting together a great show (9th and 10th September, 2015). The first of its kind conference in the State of Tamil Nadu is a welcome event. The organizing team did a fantastic job. The website was simple and efficient. The online registration pass was sent in a few days after registering for the event with access information. The badges were neatly organized at the venue (Chennai Trade Center) by the name of the company and it was an easy pick-up (colored badges based on dignitaries/delegates).
Much has been written about the proposed investments to the state. Here are some other high-lights.
- Food was great (Five-Star quality).
- There were multiple counters serving food and it was a great buffet. No long lines/wait-time for lunch.
- There were live food counters.
- Coffee / Tea was available all around – Multiple counters, ease of access and no long lines.
- The event started on time.
- Some of the sessions/content was very useful.
- Restrooms were clean and well maintained (in-spite of a large crowd)
- The air conditioning at the venue was perfect.
- There was a sense of sincerity from the organizers in putting together this event.
- You could run into the who’s who and strike a conversation.
The next event is scheduled for 2017 and the Global Investors conference is scheduled once every 2 years in Tamil Nadu. Here’s some food for thought.
- The 2017 event could be held at another city and a trade center could be build in the new venue.
- The list of speakers/bio could be made available in the website.
- The content could be more relevant (in one of the sessions I had attended, the speakers were speaking about their own company’s success which was not very relevant to the scheduled session)
- Most of the conversations were in English (understandable), however, we could also have some sessions in Tamil (similar to Korean investors)
- Q&A could be a part of all sessions
- The presentation slides could be made available for all
- Sessions could be streamed live
These kind of conferences could very well serve as a bridge between the corporate and government. Congratulations! Enjoyed being a part of this event. Job Well Done.
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