Come Drink & Go – Coffee Shop – Entrepreneurship for Kids Workshop, Classes 6-9
The second workshop for Entrepreneurship for Kids Classes 6-9 was held on Sunday , January 6, 2019 at Chennai. It was a great way to start the year. This was the second time I was doing this, and was a little comfortable with the content. However I was not sure how many kids would turn up and participate. This time we had for higher age groups, kids in classes 6-9. A total of 10 kids registered and 9 showed up. What made the workshop more interesting was, the boys and girls who came were from different schools and different parts of the city.
When you do a workshop like this, you learn a lot from the kids. They teach you many things on the books they are reading and games they play. To provoke their mind, the children were asked to come up with an idea to start a business. They had to name their business and even had to find customers for their business.
Aarav Karthik from Class 6 wanted to start a coffee shop. When asked to name it: Come Drink and Go as he wanted to keep it simple. This is one of the best names I have seen for a coffee shop and makes a lot of sense. Preyankaa wanted to start a publishing house and call it Preyankaa Publishers. She would market using Instagram.Nyla Mary wanted to start an Oil business and she would print posters to promote her shop. Shreya Nithi wanted to start a Film Production company and would have great trailers for the film to attract audiences. Sarah Hammon wanted to start a social enterprise Swachh Bharat. Prahal A Bharat wanted to start a company that manufactures and sells electric vehicle charging stations and he would call it Kinetik. Sanjit Prakash wanted to start a gaming company and would call it Deanardo’s 4T Channel. Timon Joel Raj would call his company L.S Sports and would make innovative sports gear. Kavin Sirpi from Class 9 would call him company Tamizan and would manufacture farming equipment to help farmers. Some of these kids were already doing something on their own and marketing it.
The kids had a lovely time interacting with each other and took down each other’s numbers when they left the workshop. Entrepreneurship / business is all about relationships. I had a great time learning from the kids and building these relationships.
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